Libretto Extract

IV Live Thing

station announcer

Now clear-eyed. Round-shouldered. Cap worn the wrong way round.

driver joe

With my lovely blue
      Streamlined engine Mallard
            We drew away from Grantham
                  I accelerated up the back
                        To Stoke Summit and past

Stoke Box at eighty-five
      Once over the top
            I gave Mallard her head
                  And she jumped to it
                        Like a live thing!

Then ‘Undred ‘n eight...
      ‘Undred an’ nine
            ‘Undred an’ ten
                  Go on, old Girl
                        You can do better ‘n this!

LNER chorus

Here’s the man with tattoos
And no shine on his shoes

station announcer

Tommy’s in his element


Coal goes straight through
Feed that hot mouth
She’s one hungry bird

LNER chorus / tommy

Keep the rhythm
Never falter
Feed the hot mouth
Eat your fill

LNER chorus

Shovel faster Tommy
Shovel faster Tommy
Shovel faster

LNER chorus / tommy

They will say
Blighter Bray
Sweated buckets

station announcer

Sweated buckets

LNER chorus

Shovel faster Tommy
Shovel faster Tommy
Shovel faster

With my lovely blue
      Streamlined engine Mallard
            I drew away from Grantham
                  I accelerated up the back
                        To Stoke Summit and past

Stoke Box at eighty-five
      Once over the top
            I gave Mallard her head
                  And she jumped to it
                        Like a live thing!

Then ‘Undred ‘n eight...
      ‘Undred an’ nine
            ‘Undred an’ ten
                  Then ‘Undred an’ twenty-three
                        Then ‘Undred an’ twenty-four
                              Then ‘Undred an’ twenty-five