Libretto Extract

II Cups of Tea



LNER chorus

You see my form
In cups of tea
In clouds and fog
I stroke the land
With white-gloved hands

You see my form

In cups of tea
In clouds and fog
I stroke the land
With white-gloved hands

You see my form
In morning mist
In Yorkshire’s pits —
A bed of holes that lies

In wait to swallow trains

station announcer

A fry-up on the shovel
Water, a bit of lard
Fields alight with sparks

A bird kills a bullock
A ‘hundred and sixty-five ton bird!

Can you fire left-handed?

No? Well I’m not takin ye!
And don’t cross the chalk mark!
Can you smell aniseed?

A message wrapped round coal
Thrown out the cab:
“Get a fireman!”

station announcer

It’s the night before, and Driver Joe’s thoughts turn to base metal shaking the very ore from his teeth.